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Level 3 – Historical Clips

Thanks to YouTube, our generation has unprecedented access to clips of original lindy hoppers performing for the silver screen in addition to a constantly growing history of modern-era “famous” dances. No more shaky VHS tapes for us! We will showcase the lindy clips you absolutely have to know and teach you how to pull inspiration from the past into your present.…

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Level 3 – Sweet & Slow: A Sugary Lindy Topping

The holiday season is upon us, which means the radios, department stores, and your grandmother’s living room are tuning in to those classic Christmas ditties from the 30s and 40s. In this class, we will focus on crafting impeccable connection and technique to give you the gift of easy, lilting grace, and we’ll dust it with juuuuuust a little heat for a creative glow.…

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Level 3 – Rhythm & Footwork Variations

So many times we dance creatively “safe” dances by sticking to the same old combinations or styling. We’re afraid of boring ourselves and our partner, but we’re also afraid of messing something up. Come to this class full of courage and leave it with some inspiration! With the limitless world of jazz musicality as our guide, we will explore new and fancy footwork and variations to spice up your arsenal.…

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Level 3 – Fast Dancing

When the tempos start flying, your feet start foundering. Sound familiar? Experienced dancers will learn techniques to keep their dancing smooth and efficient at fast clips (180 bpm or above). This will enable you to dance to the most energetic, swinging music that our DJs can throw at you! PLUS, you gain access to our Fast Feet room to put your lesson into practice.…

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Level 3 Drop-in – Rhythm Variations

Let’s play with rhythm! Don’t let your dancing fall into a rut; challenge yourself to inscribe new combinations into your muscle memory for a more creative, musical, and expressive dance.

PRE-REQUISITES: At least nine consecutive months of Level 1 and Level 2 including one full year of social dance, or discuss your eligibility with instructors.…

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Level 3 – Flow and Momentum

When everything feels right, leaders and followers feel comfortable playing off each other by directing and redirecting energy and momentum. In this class, we will help you explore this flow and share a few ways to incorporate it into your dancing.

PRE-REQUISITES: At least nine consecutive months of Level 1 and Level 2 including one full year of social dance,…

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Level 3 – The Big Apple (solo jazz)

The Big Apple was a national phenomenon that blended the circle formations of African-influence with the trendy jazz figures and rhythms of the time. Popular moves were called in a manner similar to square-dancing and each dance was new and the figures particular to the region. However, most lindy hoppers today will only recognize Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers who displayed this dance as a choreographed routine in the film,…

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Level 3 – Footwork Variations, Styling, Lines

You’ve mastered all the moves and you’re dancing confidently with all kinds of partners. Now you’re considering the bigger picture: layering these complicated variations and styling with a solid partner connection, creating a two-body picture with great quality of movement and intentional aesthetics. This class will explore that heady level where theory meets execution.

PRE-REQUISITES: At least nine consecutive months of Level 1 and Level 2 including one full year of social dance,…

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Level 3 – Connection

In this social dance of ours, it is our connection with our partners that makes it MAGIC. In this series, you will learn to play and move with connection, to listen actively to both leads and follows, and how to use that connection to build increasingly complex and great feeling dances.

PRE-REQUISITES: At least nine consecutive months of Level 1 and Level 2 including one full year of social dance,…

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